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  • Various improvements to the optimal actions optimisation algorithm.
  • Upgraded Node.js client to align more closely to the Python client.
  • Improved observability and monitoring functionalities.
  • UI builder and explainability features complete, awaiting release.

· One min read


  • Added bounds support across models to prevent predictions outside of expected ranges.
  • Internal data simulation for much faster testing and development.
  • Internal logging and debugging system for faster issue resolution.
  • Added constraints to find_best_actions to prevent invalid actions & outcomes.
  • Added batch support for find_best_actions to make it easier to find best actions over multiple scenarios.
  • Add support for weighted multi-objective optimisation in find_best_actions.


  • Internal refactoring of server codebase for faster development cycles.
  • Upgraded Node.js client to work with latest version of the server.
  • Improved error handling for invalid user inputs.

· One min read

March has been a busy month for the CausaDB team. We've been working hard to bring you the latest updates and improvements to the platform. Here's a summary of what's new in CausaDB this month.


  • Major core functionality updates with improved speed and performance.
  • Support for fixed argument in find_best_actions.
  • Support for both continuous and binary data types.
  • Support for pandas data loading.
  • Improved containerisation for easier self-hosting.
  • Added smart building heating example to documentation.
  • Added updates blog (what you're reading right now!) to documentation site.


  • Various improvements to user experience including renaming of functions and arguments.
  • Improved documentation and examples.
  • Improved error handling for invalid user inputs.
  • Atomic artefact management for robust porting of models between versions.
  • Various polishing and improvements to documentation site.